I love going on social outings with my teaching colleagues. When we typically spend our professional conversations around tables sized for ~ 7-year-olds, there seems to stand a little more than just elbow room when we gather around a table on a saturday afternoon for brunch.
Some conversations led to the evolution of technology where some complained about contraptions I had definitely never set eyes on. One comment led to me explaining the perks of Google Applications.
The teacher in questions was organizing order's for the entire school to order t-shirts for our upcoming FIeld Day event. She explained her frantic organization of what seemed like thousands of papers screaming shirt sizes and quantities at her with names and class numbers spitting in her eye.
"Google Apps!" I said, "Would be the answer to your prayers."
She was compelled when I explained she could create one sheet to share with others and receive the information back automatically.
"I'll have to explore this," she said.
"Yes," I replied, "And you'll have to come to my chat about it on June 9th."